His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin in Budapest
Discovering the Hidden Bodhicitta Teaching and Initation
Date: May 23-25, 2025, Budapest
Organized by Ligmincha Magyarország and Jungdrung Ten Gye Dü De Bönpo Community
We have the exceptional blessing that His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin, spiritual head of the Yungdrung Bön tradition will visit Hungary in 2025 during his European tour.
About the Teaching
His Holiness will explain "The Smaller Condensed Golden Scripture" (gser gyi lung non chung ba), which, according to the description by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen, aims to stabilize the already recognized nature of the mind and facilitate abiding within it. This text is Chimé Tsukphü’s concise guidance to his mother, Zangza Ringtsün, in which he recommends five meditation methods to eliminate karmic imprints created by afflictions: through the five mudrās, the five essences, the five contemplation, the five intentions, and the five wisdoms.
This text is part of the Dzogchen cycle of Semmé Degu, or "The Nine Minor Texts on the Mind" (sems smad sde dgu), which is also sometimes referred to as Jangsem Gabpa Gukor, or "The Nine Cycles of Hidden Bodhicitta" (byang sems gab pa dgu skor) after one of its root texts. This gives rise to the title of our teaching: "The Discovery of Hidden Bodhicitta". The Semmé Degu is one of the earliest Bön Semde Dzogchen texts, and it forms part of the Southern Treasure termas revealed by the great tertön, Senchen Luga (11th century).
About the Initation
On Sunday morning, together with His Holiness and the monks, we will perform the ganapuja offering, which prepares for the subsequent initiation: the Nyammé Ladrup, that is, the empowerment of Nyammé Sherab Gyaltsen's guru yoga (It's title: "Nyammé Sherab Gyaltsen's guru yoga and ganapuja offering, which is the preparatory ritual for the initiation" – mnyam med bla sgrub dbang gi sta gon tshogs mchod).
Nyammé Sherab Gyaltsen was an outstanding 14th-century Bön master who composed many valuable texts, united the different transmission lineages, and established the Menri Monastery, all of which define the Bön monastic tradition up to the present day. Due to these remarkable achievements, he is revered in the Yungdrung Bön as the second Buddha of our age. Today, every Bön master is connected to his transmission lineage, and thus, in this guru yoga and ganapuja he embodies all the masters of our tradition.
With the Nyammé Ladrup initiation, the practitioner receives the empowerment for guru yoga, which is one of the central practices of Dzogchen and serves the recognition of the nature of mind. Connecting to the guru is very important because it is only through him that we can access the teachings that lead to liberation.
About His Holiness, the 34th Menri Trizin
His Holiness Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin, is the spiritual leader of Bön and the abbot of Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. His Holiness was selected as the 34th Menri Trizin on January 1, 2018, following a process that included prayers and rituals to Bön deities and protectors. It is a lifelong appointment.
The 34th Menri Trizin Rinpoche was born November 29, 1972, in Amdo, Tibet. At age 17 he became a monk at Gamal Monastery in Amdo, and at age 18 he joined the Bön Dialectic School of Gamal Monastery. He received his geshe degree from Gamal Monastery at age 24.
Kristály Színtér, 1138 Budapest, Margitsziget
Please note that the number of participants for in-person attendance is limited. We kindly ask anyone interested in attending in person to indicate their intention by filling out the pre-registration form by clicking on the button below.
More information will be available by end of February. The registration link will first be sent to those who have completed the pre-registration form. Please note that pre-registration does not constitute full registration; it only assists with the organization.